Join Us! Free Throw Championship on January 27, 2024. Registration 5:00-5:30 PM, Competition 5:30 PM. MacDermott Recreation Center, 801 Loma Colorado Blvd, Rio Rancho, New Mexico. No charge to compete. Boys and girls ages 9-14. Proof of age required.
Bring your unlit candles to be blessed at the 9:00 AM Candemas on Friday, February 2. On Saturday, February 3, all are invited to participate in the Blessing of the Throats after the 9:00 AM First Saturday Mass.
Join us on January 20, at 9:00 AM for a parish-wide fleece blanket tying at the church. Blankets will be given to La Luz for the babies or to one of the local charities for the homeless. Questions? Call Julie Burnside @ (505) 250-5353.